SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Not a normal day... | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Not a normal day...

Since yesterday, all I do here at work is to talked to my beloved and sweetpain boyfriend Jeff. We've been great lately with arguements, fighthing [just like a love quarrel] well, he sometimes started it and sometimes I started it, okay..okay... I admit I'm such a quarrelsome girl since then, so??? but after being a pain... I cuddle a lot and at least tried to be a sweet girl... I got tired with all of this too, and just wanted to give up.. but I have to be strong for him and for this long-distance relationship...
Today, I am still have this routinary works, bored life, and missing the love I have. I don't feel good, I have a slight cough, mucus, and bored... What am I gonna do????

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