SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: I Got the BEST MA... | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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I Got the BEST MA...

Inspite that Mother's Day Celebration is over, it isn't for me yet, the fact is I'm celebrating it for the whole month of May. To give honor and extend the celebration of my mother and to all the mothers. In fact, it's not only for the whole month of May but for every single day of my life.

I'm glad that Rosemarie passed on this tag to me, and I'm thankful sis for the chance. Spread this tag and tell the world that you have the Best Mom!

  1. Bregie- her love for us is endless!
  2. Bing - for us she is more than perfect!
  3. Francine - of the life she gave me in this world!
  4. Cherie - of her undying love, understanding and support in everything that I do
  5. Le bric à brac de Cherie -she's always there to give my spirit a lift when I am really down and she never get's tired of loving me and the entire family. I wanna be like her!
  6. Celelebrate Life- she did many sacrifice just to give us a better life and education and of course she let me see how beautiful to be born.
  7. SuperNova & Sweetpain she gave us the unconditional LOVE, patience, sacrifices, teachings, and most importantly how to make our family become the most important thing on this earth and how to love the family and give importance to it as well. She never fails us into everything we need from the very beginning of our lives up to now.

I'm passing this to:Allen'S DaILy BuZzzzzzzz, Anneberly_Beyond the Rave Reality, and BeLLe

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