SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: TAGGED TIME: Knowing something about Me | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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TAGGED TIME: Knowing something about Me

Te jhona and Elaine, thanks for this tag..

Participants: Tere-Blessing in Life 2. Yen- Me and Mine 3. Aggie - Pink and Brown Diaries. 4. Mich - Random Thoughts 5. Jhona - My life 6. Our Journey To Forever 7. Lainy's Musings 8. Nova – SuperNova & SweetPain 8. YOUR BLOG add here!

1. What do you want for your birthday?

>> I would like to have a trip to the City of NY

2. Who will be your next kiss?

>> Hubby/ Fiancee

3. When was the last time you went to the mall?

>> yesterday [May 16]

4. Are you wearing socks right now?

>> Nope

5. How did you spend your summer?

>> probably will be at the beach this incoming Sunday [May 17]

6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days?

>> Yup, watched speed racer

7. What was the last thing you had to drink?

>> Water as usual.

8. What are you wearing right now?

>> t-shirt and pants

9. What was your last purchase?

>> feminine wash, mouthwash, bread, snacks, oatmeal

10. What was the last food you ate?

>> Cereal

11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep?

>> Nobody, fiancée is working its would still be useless as he don’t bring his phone with him.

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

>> Nope, but I will this week..

13. Do you have a pet?

>> 2 Dogs

14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?

>> Hmmmmmmmmmm.. I don’t remember, I am laughing anywhere I go.

15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?

>> I want to be wherever my fiancée is.. because I’m sure I’ll be the secure and protected

16. What is the last thing you purchased online?

>> None

17. One thing you hate about yourself?

>> My tummy, and shoulders

18. Do you miss anyone?

>> yes, my fiancée. Soon my family and the kid whom I will never forget

19. What are your plans for the day?

>> Finish work then going to mall [tentatively]

20. Last person you msg’d?

>> I don’t remember

21. Ever went to a camp?

>> Yup, during HS

22. Are you a good student in school?

>> I think so

23. What do you know about the (your) future?

>> Having a baby they grown up as well, happy family.

24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

>> Perfume a gift from a friend.

25. Where is/are your best friend/s right now?

>> In US

I'm passing this to; Adams Family, AsawakoMahalKo_Allen's Wifey, and Bill & Gina


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Hi nova thanks for tagged i will tag you also for this...

    Ps..yes,happy me kc nakatanggap ako ng $15 hehehhee.

    Ingat lagi
    w/love from NC

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Hi i will grab this thing too thanks again dear... so lazy hahahhaa

  3. Nova, thanks for the question - actually I did purchase the plane tickets using a credit card which is adviseable in case something goes wrong you have a trace on the ticket. I printed out the receipt in my email which they ask for when buying the tickets and brought it to the airport although they don't ask for the receipt at the airport - just a safety precaution. Bring your ID and they will locate you in their system and print out your boarding pass...that's all! Don't worry about making your way through larger airports - there are plenty of people working there to guide you. You can do it!! Let us know when you arrive so we can welcome you to the US! Ingat!
    Dana and Debbie

  4. Anonymous4:46 AM

    hi nova i have a tag for you. here's the link:

    God bless..

  5. Anonymous10:55 AM

    thanks for the tag i will post it later. Take care


Your Comments / Message here is Appreciate, I'll drop by to you as soon after I read it from here... Have a Nice day...


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