SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Head of my Cactus | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Head of my Cactus

Take a good look of that amazing cactus head, did I mentioned that I got a cactus here? I choose that as my inside plant, hoping that I'll be able to take good care of it. But WRONG!!!! one day, while I was an dusting the furniture, I accidentally hit the plant and it fell down on the floor broken. Yes, the head was separate from the body. I know, I'm cruel but it was an accident. In order to restore the damage. I still plant the body, and even the head hoping that it'll grow back. Roots will comes out from that red head, I know I was thinking dumb.

I was really pissed for a couple of day on what happened. But surely, it took months and months before .......

to be continued....


  1. oi ka nice. nindot ra ba siyah color sis. it's really recommended to have plants inside the house.

  2. ow, that is so sad. I hope it will still grow. This is the first time I've seen a red cactus. I mean as red as this.


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