SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Health care in the US is definitely in need | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Health care in the US is definitely in need

When, I moved here I didn’t realized that you must have your health care or protected of a benefits that will help you have discounts or pay less when it comes to health situations. I do not have much knowledge about this health care and how important it is here in US. So, while browsing around I came across to this website of To make things clear, this plan is not insurance and known them as the Solo Benefits, which you could choose from the features or types of plan you want to enroll with them. They have the Solo Base Package which includes TelaDoc, Presciption Drugs Discount program, financial helpline and telephone counseling for only $14.95 per month. The Solo Choice Package which has the same with the additional of Aetna Dental Access for only $16.95 a month. And the last is Solo Premium Packages has the same content with some additional like Coast to coast vision which only has $18.95 a month. Solo Benefit is not insurance as I mentioned earlier this is a plan which provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services. And also this plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.

Good thing this is so many alternatives in order to have a secure and protected health care in the US. Now, through Solo benefits I would not be having a lot of doubts when it comes to paying a plan not only for me but also including my whole family too. Take not visit and this is intended to unemployed people.


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