SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Feels the butterfly.... | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Feels the butterfly....

My little buddy inside me is really amusing whenever I felt the butterflies or shall I say the kicking, punching or the twisting. I do love the feeling because it brought smile to my face. Whenever I'm at work frustrated or exhausted because of the callers that were born to be so stubborn. Lol...

Moreover, our baby boy is really having so much time inside me. I giggle and eat and I'm sure he loves it too. I can't wait to finally hold him in my arms. But for now, I want to enjoy the fun of pregnancy.


  1. hala day oi! maypaka naa nakay baby boy..

  2. yep, enjoy it to the fullest sis. ingatz always.

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    The feeling of a baby inside you kicking makes your heart flutter :)

  4. oh so u know thats its a baby boy already, hala oi kanindot. im happy for u sis.

    btw, i have a tag for u here friend, have fun hapi sunday

  5. Oh, this reminds me of my own pregnacies - it's a while ago, but I never forget the feeling of my children inside. Enjoy it!
    Thanks for the visit and your lovely comment at my skywatch pictures :)

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