SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: All I want for Christmas is... | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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All I want for Christmas is...

Not this big airplane... My husband is not a billionaire to to just buy me one big airplane to travel. But I wish. A plane ticket to visit my hometown in Philippines. It will be almost 2 years since I am away from home and it is pretty difficult. I don't usually do the things I did before. I know I am married and I move to a different country for good. It is the  choice I made. I am happy but sometimes lonely because I don't see my parents and siblings and niece and nephews as often as I used too. That's just one big difference. Even if I stayed the whole day and night facing the computer they have other priorities to do than being on the computer. Which I really fine hard. 

I do hope that this wish will come true someday. I can't wait that Santa Clause hear this. I'm just kidding about Santa but really hope to earn money for the vacation. And to make sure everything is alright I got to check insurance online too. 

I have found out about This might be for me in the future once I have my driver license. Getting an auto insurance is really a Must here. Not because I am reckless in driving but I am more concern that others don't care and will hit you. It will be early and secure for future. 

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