SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Our Stocking | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Our Stocking

Previous years we never put up stockings because there are only me and my husband in the house. Now that we have our bundle of joy and starts to grow our family. I have decided to buy stockings and put it up. Even though we don't have chimney, I make sure we have a right spot for them. Some place where our son would not be able to reach them. We have to put something in it too. I love my husband and my son's stocking because they make music, I never noticed that until we got home. 

Before, the new year's begin, we make sure that we have to completed our debts. Why not do a consolidating my credit cards. That would be a great resolution not just for me, nevertheless those people who would like to start a new year without debts.

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