SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: 11.11.11 | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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As most of the bloggers, I want to be a part of this once in a lifetime date. I want to make sure that I have contributed something on this day. Maybe others will do something cool, others might give birth or others might try their luck and buy a lottery tickets. Who knows what is your luck on this phenomenon.  

As for me, blogging about this triple date is enough. I am sure that someday, someone will read my blog and think that I have contributed something. Besides, snowing here in Jamestown, NY where the snow sticks to the ground just pretty much a good memory on 11.11.11.

Next year, everyone is going to wait and see about that 12.12.12 which falls into my younger brother's birthday. I have to think that I have to give him something on that day of his once in a lifetime birth. Good thing we are going home to spend with my family and hopefully be there for 2-3 months. 

To all, enjoy the Friday celebration and be safe as well. TGIF Everyone.!!!


  1. I did not think about it hehhe.

  2. thanks for visiting my blog sis :)
    see u again!

    you inspired with your post. i will write something about what i did last 11.11.11 too! :)

  3. reyapot9:29 PM

    hi sis.. i also have a post about 11.11.11, i hope you can check it out. you actually inspired me to make one :)

  4. hi sis.. i also have a post about 11.11.11, i hope you can check it out. you actually inspired me to make one :)


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