SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Writing a College Essay | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Writing a College Essay

Heading to the most challenging and scary level of being in school is College. That is the time where jobs matters. We have to make sure, to get the course that has a high demand in employment and in demands. 

So, how to get into those prestigious schools? Some needs for a student to take the entrance examination, other has to make sure to be in a varsity to be able to get through as well. Another is writing a college essay about some certain topic. I really could not tell which one does work for specific College schools or Universities. 

Therefore, it will rely on that school where you are going to go. If that happens, then I guess you should start reading more and learning more too. To be honest, since the last time I worked in a University way back in my hometown, I have the knowledge of what would it might be. However, because I never enhance what I have learned and might do a self study to keep up with all the updates. Essay writing might be a good way on where to start it all. 

Even, research it more online. Since online resources is just a type away. We can do all things now without all the hassle online. As long as we are patience to learn about essay writing. 


  1. Thank you for the information you give. Its very interesting post,really i like your concept.

    Essay Type

  2. I could not remember if I write essay when I was in college :-) I remember we had to create a product that is not in the market, that was very nerve bracking :-( Beautiful topic to read though :-)

  3. I hated essays!!! I was scared to death to write them in my exam papers when i was in highschool.. The first time I answer it i only had two sentences and I got a score of 1/10 wahahaha but now I am loving it hahaha

  4. I have a hard time writing an essay before and maybe this time I can make hehehe...I am not a bright one so trying hard...

  5. Oh writing. I am going back to school early in 2013 and I already expect that there would be a lot of writing essays to do. sigh.

  6. Essay Writing WAS my favorite when I was still in college. Maybe thats why I made it into blogging easily cause I really love to write. Now that I'm again gonna go back to college next sen, I bet there will be lots of east writing:) Love it than Oral:)

  7. It is never going to be easy once you are studying. There are always going to be some challenges that you may encounter as a student. Writing an essay would be something easier for those who love to write a lot. I used to love writing essays at school even though I am not the best writer of all. :)

  8. Ahh..I always complain before if we do essays :-) I don't have the patience to think of topics or what to write :-)

  9. when i was in High school i used to like Essay Writing because there is no right and wrong as long as u were able to defend your opinion. unlike math, it has to be the exact answer. but when i was in college, i starting to hate it, because we have so many essays to write, and i was like starting to like the Numbers instead. hehehee na bali. kuk

  10. I love to write but I am not sure how to form a very good essay. I remember way back in high school I joined an essay writing contest to which I didn't win! LoL! I wished I had good training though.

  11. I remember my school years that we have to write our own essay in order to pass the school years! Yikes those days were hard to deal with am not into writings back then lol


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