SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Birthday Celebration with Grams at Nursing Home | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Birthday Celebration with Grams at Nursing Home

It happened earlier this month, the nursing home where my hubby’s grandmother is, had their celebration of Birthdays for those who were born in April. We expected there will be plenty who will come and join, as expected since there were more members who usually come.

Not this year, Grams are even surprised to see the 5 of us to her party. They moved her to another table so we can be together with her. To our surprised, she even expects there will be more members who will join the celebration. Asked where the rest of the family, we all have felt so badly; since everyone had an alibi on that same day.

However, we make sure she’ll enjoy her party with us with her.  


  1. So fun! I love birthdays, it's so great to celebrate life.

  2. Enjoy your Grandma, I miss mine

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    OH that is so nice that you went. It makes me sad that she was expecting more people. At least you made it there and had a nice time.

  4. Aaaaawww! what a sweet gesture. I bet she's the happiest grandma in that nursing home that day.

  5. awww just make it the best!!

  6. Glad you guys were there, that's one sad thing here, everyone is so busy all the time.

  7. I'm glad you and your family were able to be there with her. It's too bad no one else could make time for her.

  8. That is sad. At least you guys were there on her special day.

  9. i love when nursing home make a full celebration for birthdays

  10. It was sad that other family member were not there to celebrate her birthday, the more the merrier!


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