SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: #Review: Active the reactmobile app into your iPhone and android | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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#Review: Active the reactmobile app into your iPhone and android

I was privileged to be able to have the prospect of sharing my opinion when it comes to an application where it can be so useful for me in my iPhone 4. I am very new to React Mobile application so I was very thrilled to learn what it can do for me.

I downloaded the application in my iPhone, I was asked if I would like to use my current location as I have make my location security into private settings. Yes! I have to guarantee myself that I don’t give the location whenever I shared photos in social media. Anyways, I certainly choose YES. For the record you need to indicate your location too because this is where people can track you down, if some accident or incident happen.

I am directed to the tutorial right away, which is just what I need, as a newbie into the software, you need to know how it works. There are two things you can add your contacts and through the existing lists you save on your phone or you can enter the information manually.

This is the easiest way to send information to those people who I wish to be informed if there is an accident. It is very simple and quick to do it, and by simply pressing the shield, it will send an SOS alert via SMS/text, email, and Facebook info with my GPS coordinates. A very unique and useful device we should have on our phones. We can also report and incident with this software through group messaging, i.e. Family, friends, and co-workers. Another very easy way to deactivate the app if you think that you don’t want to cause trouble into your contacts is by typing 5555 to cancel an alert, which happens especially when you have a toddler loves to play and screw up your phones. One best way I would be keeping this software is to make have a peace of mind whenever I feel unsafe. Through ReactMobile family and friends can follow you in real-time.

Oh yeah! Just an important reminder, please don’t ever activate the shield unless you are in a great danger as it will automatically send an SOS alert to the contacts you added. Trust me, I’ve done that accidentally, and it did send an alert to the added contacts, which I got them freak out.

Overall, my familiarity with React Mobile is brilliant and extraordinary. It is indeed very useful when you are in the woods or in a place that you think, and you are unsafe. It is best to send an SOS alert to your listed contacts to know where you at. A totally FREE app for your android or iPhones, mobile, to learn for more you may also watch the video here. 

This was brought to you by and React Mobile.


  1. This is similar apps like LIFE360 which you can locate your family incase of emergency or just simply check your family's location. I will check this one if which one is better.

  2. i and hubby use life360, apps like these are indeed very helpful for members of family

  3. very nice app! we are using a version in macbook which my macbook can find my families macbook location. we are using a gps kind of thing on our iphone. should prolly will try this one!

  4. Neat app! Anything to keep us safe makes having it worthwhile.

  5. Hmm...thanks for sharing. I'm not familiar with this app. I should download this also, a must-have app.

  6. What a very important app to download and keep us safe especially in the not so familiar place and away from the crowd :-)

  7. wow! That is one app my husband should install on his phone with the kind of work that he has. Thanks for sharing sis, this is a very useful app in case of emergencies. We must be very careful though not to send the SOS alert accidentally.

  8. This is what we need! I agree, extraordinary app!

  9. Ah, bopol na naman ako rito . All I know is, each mobile app has features that are beneficial and essential to mobile users.

  10. Anything that can be used to protect ourselves and others is nice, especially when it's free. :D I'll check out that app. Thanks!

  11. I have this app in my phone as well and it does work really good... I feel safe and secure especially that I go home as late as 9:45 in the evening and walk for about 8 minutes from my work place to the apartment...

  12. I love to check this app, sounds very helpful!

  13. This is the kind of apps I want for my daughter. You never know when it is needed.

  14. Another new techy thing to me. I've been left out already with all the new gadgets and apps.

  15. I Haven't tried this app just yet. Might as well try to DL this.


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