SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: The Purposes of Quality Awnings | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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The Purposes of Quality Awnings

When you walk past a restaurant, you may notice a fabric overhang over doors or windows, otherwise known as an awning. Some homes even have awnings. An awning is basically a canopy, except that rather than being held up by columns that run from the ground, they are attached to the side of an exterior wall. Awnings are often custom built by companies like Specialty Trim & Awning, Inc., so they can match the shape and style of wherever they’re designed to go. If you’ve ever wondered what purposes these structures actually serve, they do more than you may think.
photo not mine
Awnings are a great source of shade. Having an awning over a patio or deck creates an outdoor space that is comfortable even when the sun is out on a hot day. When an awning is placed over a window, that shade can help reduce the cost of cooling the home, especially if the window is facing south. The less the sun hits the window, the less heat makes its way into the home, and the less work your air conditioner will have to do.

Some awnings also provide protection from rain. Again this is useful for patios and decks. You can have a nice outdoor meal or other event without having to worry about it being interrupted by rain. It is important to make sure that the awning is designed to repel rain. Some fabrics will allow water to seep through and drip. Because awnings are great at providing shade and protecting from rain, many restaurants with outdoor dining areas have large awnings covering the entire area.


Not all of the purposes of an awning are practical; in many cases, awnings are installed mostly for their looks. A company like Specialty Trim & Awning, Inc. can create awnings with patterns and color combinations that can fit in with any style. Restaurants can even have their logo or name printed on the awning. So whether you want to create an outdoor shaded area or just want to add some pizazz so the exterior of your home or business, custom awnings are the answer.


  1. Awning is something that I am not very fond of especially on houses. For businesses, it's okay.

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I would love to find a nice awning for our camper. We bought it last summer pretty cheap, but the awning was missing and I have been considering putting a new one up. Will have to check these out.!

  3. Awnings are definitely utilitarian and also for the looks like you said. They do come in different styles, colors and prints.


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