SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: 10 Questiong Tag... | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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10 Questiong Tag...

I got a tagged from Nalyn my dear amiga.
You have to give 5 Answers to each Questions asked and then tagged 5 people to keep this meme going! simple enough.
Instructions :- Remove the first Blog and add your own blog to the last slot! BabyShern; HiPnCooLMoMMa; BaByJeT; DailyZen; Nvtaydetails;

Q1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was still in Senior High School @ Notre Dame of Lagao [take note for Girls only..hahaha]

Q2. What were you doing 1 Year ago?
Hmmm.. I can hardly remember, pero I think I’m just working my butt here without earning nothing at all, saon I love to eat jud.. food just makes me go gaga…hehehe..

Q3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?

Kanang sa Jollibee nga value meals….

Q4. What are 5 songs you know the lyrics to?
Somewhere over the rainbow
Part of your world…YUP I know every single word…
Someone's waiting for you…[I sung this during my kindergarten]
Lagkaw[hahahaha.. a Cebuano song about a house]

Q5. 5 things you would do if you are a Millionaire?
*Deposit or Invest or Have a business… specifically uhmmm.. internet cafĂ© or loads sa
phone…saon damo nangabuang sa text [there are plenty of peps here who just love to text]
* Give a some or shall I say, hmmmmm donate some cash to the one who needs the most
* Help some of my siblings and parents
* Tour the whole world, if magkasya ang budget
* Buy my dream motorbike and car…choks!!!!

Q6. 5 Bad habits?

* I scratch my head even if its not itchy
* Sleeping until afternoon if there’s no work
* Bitchy/Sapoton
* Make faces
* I have lots of reasons if I’m don’t feel to go somewhere

Q7. 5 things you like to do?
* Exploring some electronic gadgets
* Photography
* Blogging/Internet surfing

Q8. 5 Favourite Toys?
* My Cellphone…[Jeffy’s gonna freak out..]
* MP4 player
* Computer
* Motorbike
* and Motorbike

Q9. 5 things you would never wear?
- None, sorry I do wear anything...

Q10. 5 things you hate to do?
* Laundry, I hate the manual, after I did it I will have a back pain and then, I need a
masseur and then it will cost me cash again..hehehe…
* Exercise
* Do overtime, where in fact I can do a lot of other things besides working…
* Pressurin’ me with this bunch of craps!

Finally, after a week, I have done this…whew!
Now, I will be tagging:
1. Mistica 2. Twinkle 3. Jeffy? [your in… I know your reading my blog dear.. pls participate, be supportive to your girlfriend here…hehehe]
Thanks for reading…
‘til then….

1 comment:

  1. hi i will do this this is exciting. Just go and visit my blog at least you can read what i write. DOnt worry your link is in there. All my links are in so that is one way of spreading my friends links to other site not only in my site. Thats also how i love my friends i put it in other site if somebody scan my links they will see all the links i have.


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