SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: For A Reflection... | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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For A Reflection...

In John 3:16 shows of what and how big the Love of God to his people, that we shouldn’t be fear in to everything, because Love is not feared. Because God had given us his life over our sins to be save and give us the chance to reflect and come back to Him. Believe and be good, have your faith be stronger and stand for your religion. There is still enough time to come back and be with God, Love our enemies and forgive then forget. I know this virtue is mostly one of the hard things to do for some people. But it is worth it to do you know, God can possibly forget and forgive everything that we do here on His precious place how much more that WE as Human Beings can not do that simple thing for forgiving and forgetting. That way also helps us live a better and easy life since we are not thinking or thinking of hatred over the people we fought with. Start changing your life into a better one as well as teach it to your siblings and future kids this would help not only for yourself but for the whole country and even the whole world.


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Thanks for the post nicely done Nova... I rate you 5 and good job...

  2. Thank you too Genny.. i chooses it since i find that post nice....

    Keep posting for some article like that... that helps awaken some people readers and help them reflect...

    have a great day...


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