SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: He finally decided to fix our grill | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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He finally decided to fix our grill

My Star for the rest of my life. He was finally putting the Grill together after five months that it was still in the box. That grill was a Christmas Gift for the us from my Mother-in-law. 

Such a sweet Mother-in-law huh. I'm lucky to have her and be part of her family. Although, sometimes things are just way too different from the culture and traditions I used to know.

Anyways, after having a nice weather outside, I make sure we have a productive day that day. Ask hubby to put the grill together, because I would like to grill fish, pork or just corn. Maybe I can grill plantain if I found one at the Asian store. Also we are both ready for the NFL super bowl. This year or even next year too. I am not a very big fan but hubby likes sports. It's not his favorite sports but at least we could enjoy the super bowl night. 

Or if we have enough tax refund for next year, we might be able to save some and buy a super bowl tickets to see them live. That would be a great idea. We can go and be at this nice Stadium. Let's hope and cross our finger. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. joe: thanks for the flattering words, i do hope you won't get bored


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