SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Halo-Halo | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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This is the second Halo-Halo or sweetened fruits with Ice cream, Yam, evaporated milk and grinned ice I ate here in USA. The first, was when we were in New York City, visiting Jollibee fast food. Although, I only ate a little but still that counts. I never noticed that the Asian Store I went in Buffalo City has the ingredients for this so-called Dessert. Though, it is not a complete one but still you can eat the same thing. 

While munching this amazing cold Halo-halo, I was thinking of starting a small business this Summer. People would love to eat cold dessert under the sun. And I was thinking about this kind. I have to look for an appliances that could grin the ice first, because I don't want to break our blender. Also, I have to learn about an online marketing to get more people to come in my small business place. I have to make sure I have knowledge when it comes to that marketing or to make everything easier I can hire a Online Marketing Director. Then again, that only take the whole income I have for my small business. I got to think more options though, I do hope I'll be able to pursue the plan before Summer ends. 


  1. sis...this is so yummy...i'm craving some after I saw this pic..I have big problem now coz I can't do this...but soon, i will do my own ice candy hehehe my brother is sending me ice candy wrapper straight from davao hehehe i'm still waiting it to arrive..

  2. oh, i love halo-halo Nova, you gave me an idea too, since i too grind ice using blender and each time it sounds like it is cranking :(

  3. The ability to dream big and then the common sense to put into place the things necessary to achieve your dream are two traits that I think are necessary for success. It’s also a great idea to keep a journal of your ideas. Reading the journal on those difficult and occasional down days may help to keep you focused and motivated.


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