SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Things you might want to know about ME | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Things you might want to know about ME

I was ecstatic when one of the bloggers I frequently visit tagged me with this MEME. I haven’t completed Meme’s for a very long time. I guess, it diverts my consideration into unlike things than doing the meme.

Thus, at times you need to loosen up, work on different things daily in order to make life more exciting, so I am doing this for a modification.

A. Attached or Single? Attached to Eternity with Jeff

B. Best friend? My husband, BFF’s in High School [even though we are apart we still tries to communicate and be there for each other] my sisters [we started to become closer when we gets older] Mother [she’s the best friend I have that she never thought]

C. Cake or Pie? Definitely I would say cake. Chocolate cakes with nutshmmmm yum. Not too sweet.

D. Day of choice? Holiday’s, birthdays, and weekends.

E. Essential item?
 Laptop and Cellphone

F. Favorite color?
 Tons, such as: Black, Brown, Yellow and Red

G. Gummy bears or worms?
 I would say both.

H. Hometown? Oh I missed my Hometown, GenSan, Philippines, the land of Tuna

I. Favorite indulgence? Eating Jolly chicken?

J. January or July?
 I would say July, for that’s summer here. January is way too cold, winter

K. Kids? I have the most wonderful 3 years old son.

L. Life isn't complete without? My LOVES.

M. Marriage date? September 2008

N. Number of brothers or sisters? 3 handsome brother and 2 pretty sisters, we are quite many.

O. Oranges or apples? Apples.

P. Phobias? I’m trying to overcome some phobias, thus losing my loves would be one thing.

Q. Quotes? I have no specific quote at all.

R. Reasons to smile? Life, loved ones, and the hope of a bright future.

S. Season of choice? Spring and Summer

T. Tag 5 people. 
I am not sure, but everyone who feels free can do this, I’m tagging you.

U. Unknown fact about me? I’m a tree Climber.

V. Vegetable? I’m starting to like any kinds of veggies. I have no particular.

W. Worst habit? Overspending, never thought of how much money left as long as everyone is enjoying and happy.

X. Xray or Ultrasound? I have no choice if it is needed right?

Y. Your favorite food? Definitely, seafood they are amazing!!! Now I’m hungry.

Z. Zodiac Sign? Scorpio

There you go! I have written some of the things you might want to know about me.

Thanks for reading and Have a great weekend!


  1. Very interesting! One of these days maybe I will write a post about me like this--thank you for sharing!!

  2. Love this! I think people enjoy reading these a lot.

  3. I enjoy reading it thanks for sharing :) I love July too coz its my birth month he he!

  4. :D thanks for sharing about yourself. I love spring and summer too

  5. wow, you're a tree climber mommy? hehe cool! I super love seafood!

  6. love this and love learning more about you

  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I love these! It is great to get to know information about bloggers that I follow.

  8. Anonymous12:51 AM

    It's nice to know more about you mommy! I can relate with fave food! Seafood is always the best!

  9. i love you meme nova!:) it's great to know you're a tree climber like me. haha. and also i love tuna from gensan.

  10. those are very interesting personal trivia. it seems like i know you a lil bit more.

  11. Very interesting! These are great ways to learn more about our blogger buddies!


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