SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: Equestrian Riding Helmet is very important | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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Equestrian Riding Helmet is very important

Equestrian riding helmets are one of the safety equipment for an Equestrian to own. These will protect the head from any course of the tournaments. And I say, it will be a mandatory for everyone who joins the sports, its main purpose is to protect the head of a person on a horseback ride.

I do admire people who are actually on a sport with horses. They surely have that big income after completing courses in such a limited timeframe. I have no knowledge about the rules in the game. However, I am interested in learning someday. 


  1. i hve never rode a horse it's on my bucket list

  2. Nicole A.5:00 PM

    I don't think I have ever ridden a horse before.

  3. my son will start riding soon and this is a must

  4. I absolutely agree that helmets are important. It is really a necessity when riding horses.

  5. Helmet is indeed a must to help us protect from head injury.

  6. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Helmets are good for any sport, but riding it is especially important.

  7. Must be nice to ride a a horse and a helmet is a must of course.

  8. A helmet mist certainly is a must if you are going horse back riding--heavens that ground is far away and if you take a tumble you want to make sure your head at least is protected.


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