SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: The Most Common Types of Bariatric Surgery | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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The Most Common Types of Bariatric Surgery

A lot of people now choose to opt for Bariatric surgery in order to help them address their obesity problem. However, Bariatric surgery is actually a blanket term for three types of procedures: malabsorpotive, predominantly malabsorptive, and restriction procedures. With a restrictive procedure, the size of the stomach is reduced, but the rest of the digestive process is left alone. With predominantly malabsorptive procedures, the size of the stomach is reduced, but the duodenum and, at times, the jejunum is also bypassed.
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Restrictive Bariatric Surgery
There are different types of restrictive Bariatric surgery, but the two most popular are the AGB (adjustable gastric band) and the VBG (vertical banded gastroplasty). Neither of the two surgeries affects the digestive system in any way, focusing instead solely on reducing the amount of food someone can consume. If a patient eats more than what their stomach can hold, they will vomit and generally feel sick.

The VBG procedure is also known as ‘stomach stapling’, which is becoming less common today. The AGB, meanwhile, is also known as the ‘lap band’ as in one of the most popular procedures. In fact, it has existed since 1979 and has proven to be quite successful, although weight loss is usually slightly less quick. The upside is that there are fewer complications and that the AGB can be adjusted and even reversed. As such, if the procedure does not work, no lasting damage will have been done.

Predominantly Malabsorptive Bariatric Surgery
Here, the size of the stomach is reduced, but the main focus is to ensure patients can no longer absorb food as well. This is known as the Biliopancreatic diversion, or the Scopinary procedure. It is very rare for this procedure to still be offered. This is because many patients become malnourished. Instead, the duodenal switch is now provided, whereby a part of the stomach is sectioned off, thereby creating a smaller pouch. The procedure also alters the digestive system. While patients can’t eat as much for a while, they can return to normal portions after a while.

Malabsorptive Bariatric Surgery
Lastly, there is malabsorptive surgery, whereby the stomach is made smaller and the duodenum as well as, sometimes, the jejunum, is bypassed. This surgery effectively combines the other two. One of the most common procedures is the Roux-en-Y, or the gastric bypass. However, there are also the duodenal switch, the Biliopancreatic diversion, and the Fobi pouch. These procedures are incredibly successful in terms of making people lose weight quickly, but there is a significant risk of malnutrition.

There are other types of surgery as well, but the three above are the most commonly offered. It is very important that you seek medical advice, for instance from a clinic like Stop Obesity for Life, in order to find out which procedure is most suitable to you. It is also very important that you follow all the recommendations of your physician so that you run a lower risk of developing complications. 

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