SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN: We went to Buffalo Zoo | SuPeRnOvA and SwEeTpAiN
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We went to Buffalo Zoo

After the Immigration Appointment, hubby surprised me and Chaos to visit the Zoo. I am not sure if I have shared this before but, just to make sure and one of my friend didn't know. I have to fulfill a remarks. It was me and our son's first time to visit the Zoo. We don't have a closer one, so we took the chance to visit the one here in Buffalo now that we are already here and it's too early for us to go home. 

 He likes water and the fish

While looking at my son on this picture. It flashes back the time when me and my husband was in Philippines and we do the Island Hopping. We went under the sea, scuba diving, snorkling and more. I do hope that someday. I think I saw Seahorse under that ocean. Some divers have their own Seahorse Cases to put their belonging in there. If you are one of the divers maybe you need a Seahorse Case to keep your stuff safe.
 Bored Gorilla and the mate 

 A repulsive cockroach...

 Green poisonous frogs 

 Spider that I never like..

 Of course, the Buffalo

 Too close to that anteater....

The polo bear just laying outside the humidity...

Those are some of the Animals we saw in the park. They were many of them, I never posted the whole album here, because I might not have space to just post all the pictures. I don't have an online album where I can direct you too. If you've noticed, our son likes it. Although, he is too little to understand everything. However, this will be the first and last visit. We might take him again in the Zoo but it might be different area. The one that is closer from our city. 


  1. Looks like you guys had much fun!

    Great family moment!

  2. laki na ng baby mo! parang kelan lang preggy ka pa. =)

  3. webbielady: thanks we did have fun...

    Jean: grabe they grow like a weed...way too fast...


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